Day 10: Hollywood

Day 10 was to be the most uber-touristy day we spent in America. In a way that perhaps is telling as to how touristy we really are…as it was also arguably the best day. Drove to Starbucks for the appropriate start to the day, then we were ready for LA. Drove through Belair, then Beverly […]

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Day 9: Transfers

7am is way, way too early to get up in Vegas. The Conceirge at THEhotel is unnecessarily cheery. His mannerisms, actions and behaviour towards me indicates either a) a different sexual preference from my own; b) an inappropriately overenthusiastic love of his job or; c) heavy illicit drug use. I check-out relatively painlessly and try […]

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Day 8: Show Day!

I’ve been griping and moaning and considering how to both properly enjoy my vacation while also finding time for blogging. This trip has been far more go-go-go than I expected. So here is my new aim: daily mini-blogs. Comedy, tragedy, romance – all genres for television and movies that are unrelated to my blog. We’ll […]

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